Eskasoni Cold Logistics
The Eskasoni Cold Logistics PV Project is Eskasoni Renewables largest to date. The 583-kW ground mount array will supply the Eskasoni Cold logistics facility with approximately 600 MWh of clean, renewable energy every year, reducing the operating cost and carbon footprint of the facility. The array is connected to the facility in a behind the meter configuration.
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Eskasoni Immersion School Solar Project
The Eskasoni Immersion School Solar Project generates 99,760 kWh of renewable energy each year. This project is connected directly to the local utility grid, reducing the carbon footprint of the Eskasoni community. Eskasoni Band members completed the civil works for the project, which included re-purposing an existing foundation to be used for the solar panel…
Cobequid Housing Authority Solar Projects
These two Solar Projects will generate a combined 86,000 kWh of renewable energy each year, reducing the overall carbon footprint of the Cobequid Housing Authority. Each Solar Project is connected directly to the building that it is installed on in a Net Metering arrangement. Eskasoni & Paq’tnkek Band members worked together to install the roof…